Name: Ravitaben Jalabhai Kathodi
Sex: female
Age: 9
Birthday: January 1, 2004
About Ravitaben:
Ravitaben is from Budwada Village in Tapi District in Gujarat. This village has about 200 huts and living in this area has become very hard. One reason being, there is no clean water and many get sick. Ravita is the only child and her parents abandoned her looking for work. She is forced into child labor by gathering grass for the cattle. Ravita has a great desire to go to school to get a good education. She has no where to stay, no one to take care of her and at high risk of being trafficked.
Would you prayerfully consider sponsoring Ravitaben? A sponsorship of $40/month (or $1000/yr) will provide food, shelter, material for school, clothes, medical needs and especially a place where they will be taught the love of Jesus Christ. 100% of all the proceeds will go directly to the children.
Thank you for your support!
Buildhopeinternational Team