$0 raised
  • Build Hope International
  • Sponsor A Child in Cambodia
  • Donations to this project are tax-deductible

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About This Project

Name: Aju
Sex: Male
Age: 4
Birthday: Unknown

About Aju:
When Aju grows up he would like to be a helpful person to others. He also wants to become superman, like the cartoon. His favorite color is red and some of his favorite games to play are soccer and tag. He especially enjoys playing games with his friends and considers it his hobby. Some of his favorite animals are ducks and chickens.

Would you prayerfully consider sponsoring Aju? A sponsorship of $40/month will provide food, shelter, material for school, clothes, medical needs and especially a place where they will be taught the love of Jesus Christ. 100% of all the proceeds will go directly to the children

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Buildhopeinternational Team

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Build Hope International

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