Sponsor Pritam

Sponsor Pritam

$0 raised
  • Build Hope International
  • Sponsor A Child in India
  • Donations to this project are tax-deductible

How You Can Help

Monthly Donation

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About This Project

Name: Pritam Damy Vasava
Sex: Male
Age: 9
Birthday: June 1, 2003

About Pritam:
Pritam comes from Julvan Village in Tapi District, Gujarat State. This village is very remote and access to the village can only be done so by walking of by motorcycle. Pritam’s parents abaondoned him and went searching for work hundreds of miles away, never hearing from them again. He lives off the mercy of church members and begs by going hut-to-hut. He is forced to do child labor by grazing water buffaloes. He really wants to have a good education to one day become a physical education teacher and a cricket player. He also enjoys running.

Would you prayerfully consider sponsoring Pritam? A sponsorship of $40/month (or $1000/yr) will provide food, shelter, material for school, clothes, medical needs and especially a place where they will be taught the love of Jesus Christ. 100% of all the proceeds will go directly to the children.

Thank you for your support!
Buildhopeinternational Team

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Build Hope International

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